Hello, I'm

Thanks for stopping by my site!

I'm Cherise McCrea, a married mother of 4 children.  We live in a beautiful area of northwest Indiana, where we get to experience all of the beautiful seasons.  Having 4 busy children used to be a challenge for me to have my own hobbies or to see all of their sporting games, but now that I work at home, I get to watch them play their sports and do what they love while I get the opportunity to travel and meet up with my friends

Let me explain:

A few years ago, my husband and I were the founders of a local franchise of health clubs.  It was his dream to help people live healthier lives through physical fitness.  That dream became a reality of many things including the hardships of being brick-and-mortar business owners trying to make ends meet.  After investing over 1.5 million dollars to open our businesses, the economy tanked, yep the recession hit, and we were forced to personally work the long crazy hours of a health club and stress about how we were going to make any money.  That meant many missed activities with our kids and friends.  

Drowning in bills and exhausted by the long hours, I decided to return to my dental hygiene career.  I thought this was the answer to our financial issues.  I was making decent money, but I still had to work long hours, many times until after my kids' bedtime, and missing events with my family.    

I had remembered that before all that had happened, my friend Trista had introduced me to the idea of having my own business, an online business.  No need for a brick-and-mortar company that required me to pay a lot in rent and overhead expenses like the health club.  Something that could actually give me tax benefits for having it based in my home.  A business where I could work the hours I wanted or needed to make sure I would never again miss a sporting event for my child or an outing with my friends.  

I'll be honest though, I was very skeptical at first.  Thinking I didn't have what it takes to be an online entrepreneur.  Well, my education taught me the art of research, and after a bit of searching, I decided to partner with a gold standard company to ensure I am delivering the best quality products to my customers.  

This is one of the reasons this site was created. I wanted to help others navigate the jungle the Internet has now become and share what I've learned about creating a lifestyle of personal freedom as an online entrepreneur.

I'm also looking to connect and work with like-minded people. And with the recent financial crisis or interests of switching careers, I feel that what I have to share is more important than ever.

If words like "Lifestyle Design" and "Re-engineering your life" resonate with you, then you've come to the right place.

Whether your dream is escaping the 9-5 grind, real-life adventure travel, long-term wandering, or simply a dramatic career change, this site will give you insight into the tools needed to make it a reality in the here-and-now instead of in your golden years, when you're too old to enjoy it.

If you'd like some guidance in your desire to find freedom as an online entrepreneur, we should connect. You can learn more about working with me here.

I'm also a real and fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook, and you can also connect with me on my Fan page.

Thanks again for visiting my site and I hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of personal freedom.

Here's to your Health & your Freedom!

Cherise McCrea